OpenGL Retro Voxel Renderer Tutorial

By Harrison B

0 - A Very Skippable Introduction


You must be here because you saw my video on creating a voxel rendering application from scratch using C++ and OpenGL! I promised I would create a complete tutorial on the subject matter, and I intend to deliver on that promise! Everything you saw in this video is what you can expect to see for yourself if you follow this tutorial through to completion:

Hmm... a tutorial for a voxel rendering application reminiscent of Minecraft... that's been done before hasn't it? Yes, yes it has. What's one more tutorial on the internet? Plus, I've never shared any of the knowledge I've acquired over the years, and I am eager to start. So this is for me too!


I expect you've written C++ code before, and I expect you've had at least some exposure to OpenGL in the past. If you haven't, don't let that stop you; if you want a learning curve, you can still follow this tutorial! The depth of my explanations may vary on different topics because I have never written a tutorial before. Please write me a comment on my video or send me an email to if you have a question or want clarification on anything. I may not be able to answer IDE or compiler specific questions. Note: I am using Windows 10 for this tutorial, but this is certainly not a requirement.

Ready, Set, Go

Unfortunately we have some boring compiler and library setup to do before we get to the good stuff. Unless you like that part? Click 'Next' to visit the setup portion of the tutorial series, or visit the table of contents to skip it.